April 30, 2015

The Lori Willis Memorial Birdathon

by Jeanne Kolasz   A great note appears on the SFVAS Facebook page regarding the Lori Willis Memorial Birdathon event on April 18. I want to give our readers some of the highlights of that day and encourage all to look at the all inclusive note posted on Facebook, written by John Willis. John and…
April 26, 2015

Cloudy With A Great Chance For Birds

 By Jeannne Kolasz  Despite a chill in the air and cloudy skies, Carolyn’s walk was a great success! At least 13 people were at O’Melveny Park on April 21 for her Birdathon walk. Carolyn reported sightings of 36 species. There were many highlights of the day, including: The beautiful Western Tanager, Wilson’s Warbler, Canyon Wren,…
April 21, 2015

Great Finds at Malibu Creek State Park

By Jeanne Kolasz It was a wonderful day for Art Langton’s Birdathon walk, Sunday April 19. Twenty-one people were there to enjoy the great weather and the great finds! Some new faces were noted as well as many regulars. Art reported sitings of 54 species, when a total of 50 was anticipated. Among the recorded were several…
April 17, 2015

Biological Resources at Santa Susana Field Laboratory

Thursday, April 23, 2015 7:00 p.m. Social time, 7:30 p.m. Meeting Encino Community Center Presenters: Paul Costa, Environmental Operations Manager, The Boeing Company Chris Dunn, Sr. Project Mgr./Biologist, Padre Associates Ken Gilliland, Biologist, Padre Associates The Santa Susana Field Laboratory served as one of the nation’s preeminent rocket engine testing and energy research sites for…
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April 8, 2015


[caption id="attachment_4101" align="alignright" width="424"] Live 8 festival -- Photo: Alex Quistberg**[/caption] Our petition drive is going as well as we could have hoped, but we still need more signatures from local stakeholders. Thank you, everyone who has signed, everyone who has carried our Call to Action into their NextDoor.com neighborhood sites or their FaceBook page, everyone who…
March 7, 2015

AngelFest: We All Love Music, But This Is An Existential Threat to Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve — Sign Our Petition!

On January 26, 2016 Muriel Kotin of our Conservation Committee received a “heads up” email from the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACoE) that: “LA City Rec and Parks has requested a waiver from the Corps in order to hold a 3 day music festival in Sepulveda Basin on Oct 7, 8, 9 2016.…
February 11, 2015

Help Defend the Coastal California Gnatcatcher

The latest attempt by some Southern California developers to have the Coastal California Gnatcatcher removed from protections under the Endangered Species Act is pretty outrageous – they claim the bird doesn't even exist!   The delisting petition sponsored by these developers relies on a single recent study claiming that the Coastal California Gnatcatcher is not…
February 2, 2015

Nominations Committee Needs Your Help!

San Fernando Valley Audubon needs great leadership to guide us in accomplishing our conservation goal of protecting the quality for wildlife habitat in our area.  Service on our board can be your way of helping to insure that we and our children will continue to enjoy the excitement of viewing wild birds in a natural…
January 5, 2015

Bird Species Observed At Santa Susana Field Laboratory From April, 2010 Through November, 2014

To view the list click the link below: BIRDS-OF-SSFL_GROUPED-LISTED    

Christmas Bird Count, December 20, 2014

When you read the current copy of The Phainopepla, you will see that our Christmas Bird Count is scheduled for Saturday, December 20. This is an important event and all eyes are welcome to help us get an accurate census of the birds in our area. We hope you will join us! As you can…