Jim Houghton

Jim has slowly learned how to operate a fairly primitive WordPress website. It doesn't look like much, but all the SFVAS information anyone needs is here. Gifts of good-quality white wine are welcome but not required.
Jim has slowly learned how to operate a fairly primitive WordPress website. It doesn't look like much, but all the SFVAS information anyone needs is here. Gifts of good-quality white wine are welcome but not required.
Santa Clarita Christmas Bird Count

Santa Clarita Christmas Bird Count

Meet at 7 AM at Western Bagel in the “Big Kmart” parking lot, corner of ...
Lancaster Christmas Bird Count

Lancaster Christmas Bird Count

Come out to the Antelope Valley for an exciting day searching for birds wintering in ...
General Membership Meeting

General Membership Meeting

Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa Blvd., Encino.  Located between Moorpark and Ventura Blvd., on the ...