February 16, 2011

Board Nominations Announced

The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of candidates to serve on the Board of Directors of San Fernando Valley Audubon Society for our 2011–2012 program year. President: Dave Weeshoff 1st VP:    Mike Van Norman 2nd VP:    Rose Leibowitz Treasurer: Ann Ohlenkamp (continuing a 2-year term) Corresponding Sec: Diana Keeney Recording Sec: …
February 13, 2011

Get In On the Great Backyard Bird Count!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="250" caption="Male Western Bluebird"][/caption] The GBBC is an annual four-day event, February 18-21, 2011, that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of where the birds are across the continent and in Hawaii. Each checklist submitted by these "citizen scientists" helps researchers at the Cornell Lab…
February 8, 2011

Conservation Award Recipient Announced

John Luker is an Environmental Educator, Community Activist, and Guardian of nature’s values and virtues.  He formed and helps guide the Santa Susana Volunteers, a volunteer service organization that works as the stewards of the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park.  He is currently Vice-president of the Santa Susana Mountain Parks Association and is sitting…
February 6, 2011

Enjoy the Birds at Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve!

The February Bird Walk at Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Area fell on a beautiful day and many colorful birds were out to bask in its glory and permit us some great views. Providing great looks were American Robin, Lark Sparrow, Western Bluebird, Allen’s Hummingbird, Downy Woodpecker, Song Sparrow and Anna’s Hummingbird. The wildlife area lake was…
January 28, 2011

SFVAS Annual Awards Banquet

Friday, March 11. SFVAS Annual Awards Banquet.  6:00 p.m. Cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner. 2011 Conservation Award Recipient: John Luker. Featured Speaker: Mel White. Location: Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys. Send in your reservation form today! For more information, contact Chairperson Jeanne PolakRecht, at (818) 360-1438.

Chatsworth Nature Preserve

Audubon members will join those of the Southwest Herpetologist Society for a tour inside the Preserve. Directions: Meet at the Plummer-Valley Circle gate on the north side of the Preserve approximately .9 miles west of the intersection of Plummer and Topanga Canyon Blvd. and past three “STOP” signs. Call Art Langton and leave name and…

Monthly Field Trip: Private Game Preserve, Oxnard

An excellent spot to observe a wide variety of birds including waterfowl, wetland birds, and raptors. IMPORTANT—We will be birding the preserve entirely on foot, as vehicles are not allowed out on the habitat roads. Covering the circuit will probably require 4+ hours. Also, no parking is allowed inside the preserve compound…our cars must be…
January 21, 2011

Walter Sakai presents: Bird Banding in Zuma Canyon: An Update

Walter Sakai is a Master Bird Bander who has been banding birds in Zuma Canyon since 1995. Bird banding allows us to learn about migration patterns, population changes, mortality, longevity, feeding behaviors and territoriality of birds. Walt’s emphasis is on teaching students how to band birds. Thus, most of his help comes from Santa Monica…
January 11, 2011

Why Do Birds Fall from the Sky?

With several occurrences of such phenomena hitting the national media last week, some of you may be interested to know more information about such seemingly bizarre behavior. Well, someone has compiled a great deal of info on the "Birds Fall from the Sky" website to sate the desires of those seeking more on the subject.…
January 10, 2011

Beginner’s & Family Bird Walk

Thanks to Gary Goldstein for this video of this monthly walk led by Muriel Kotin in the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve. Come join us there in February and March! Watch the calendar for details.