Accompanied by SFVAS volunteers, third graders from Los Encinos School visited the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve on January 28, 2020. The morning began with a community service project, namely the beautification of the parking area with new landscape plants. Parents labored to dig the necessary holes; then the students planted fourteen native California salvias around the parking lot planters and watered them by bucket brigade.

We expect that the planter areas will look much more attractive in the heat of summer and fall because of the efforts of students, parents, teachers and SFVAS volunteers. We know for certain that the Wildlife Reserve has made many friends among the students and their parents, and that this project created something these young horticulturists can take pride in for years to come.
Afterwards SFVAS volunteers handed out binoculars and took everyone on a nature tour of the Wildlife Reserve. What a great morning. We’re proud of the Reserve and take great pleasure in sharing it with the next generation.