ROPI Length: 12.5 in. Weight: 9 oz BTPI Length: 15 in. Weight: 13 oz
Rock Pigeon — Randy Ehler
Band-tailed Pigeon — David Barton
The Rock Pigeon, also called Rock Dove or Common Pigeon, is the “street bird” we don’t often see in our back yards, but rather scavenging anything remotely edible on sidewalks and in parking lots. They’re not a small bird, but they’re dwarfed by the Band-tailed Pigeon which does frequent backyard feeders. The Band-tail has made a come-back in recent years after being hunted nearly to extinction. It is usually a bit large for feeders, but when hungry can figure a way to get at those seeds. The band on the tail of this pigeon is quite subtle, whereas the white stripe on the back of its neck is prominent. Why not “White-necked Pigeon?” Who knows…