Sept. 16-Oct.15
Due to the devastating fire in the Reserve, the call for cleanup volunteers has been retracted — the damage is too extensive and safety is uncertain. We will keep all parties informed as we assess the situation and determine the best way forward. Thank you for your concern and generosity.
Due to the pandemic, San Fernando Valley Audubon and its partners are unable to organize and sponsor a group cleanup of Haskell Creek this year. Instead you can take individual action to clean Haskell Creek as it flows through the Wildlife Reserve on its way to the LA River. You can work alone or with members of your household. Please be advised: you will work unsupervised and at your own risk.

Wait until bird nesting season is over. Pick any day from September 16 through October 15. If you have ever participated in a cleanup of Haskell Creek, you know it can be dangerous. You must take great care not to hurt yourself. This year safety also requires social distancing and for each volunteer to protect themselves and others from exposure to the coronavirus. You will have to supply all of your own equipment and dispose of trash you collect by taking it home to your own bin.
How to Clean Up:
Gather your cleanup gear, including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): trash bags, gloves, face mask, a trash grabber or tongs (if available), sun protection, hand sanitizer, and close-toed shoes to protect against sharp objects. Wear a mask and maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet from everyone you encounter. ALWAYS wear gloves and dispose or wash them immediately after your cleanup. Avoid touching your face. Do not pick up sharp objects, especially syringes. Leave in place anything too heavy or anything that you will not be able to fit into your home trash bin.

Keep a safe distance from all wildlife! Do not disturb natural objects, such as leaves, fallen branches, nests, or eggs. Avoid over-exertion, sunburn, heat exhaustion, and dehydration. When in doubt, stop earlier than you planned. Unfortunately, you may find used gloves, masks, and other among litter. DO NOT PICK UP ANY personal protective equipment (PPE) without a grabber or other tool. Avoid disturbing any homeless encampments or their contents.
By participating you understand and agree that neither San Fernando Valley Audubon, the City of Los Angeles, the State of California or California Coastal Commission may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death, or other damages to you or your family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result of your participation, or as a result of product liability or the negligence, whether passive or active, of any party in connection with the cleanups. Have fun and remember, safety first! Thank you for your independent efforts! Stay healthy!
If you’d like to let us know when and where you cleaned up, how it went, and let us see any photos you took, please email You can also share your creek cleaning experiences on

Young scientists who participate might like to contribute to the collection of state-wide cleanup data by using the app “Clean Swell” (Android and iPhone) to report their activities. It is very easy to use, and saves their information about how many cleanups they did, the location, time spent, distance traveled and pounds of trash cleaned up. The data is reported to the California Coastal Commission for inclusion in their 2020 Coastal Cleanup Month data reported to the Governor. No personal information is required.