As 2024 draws to a close, the SFVAS continues to support conservation, preservation and restoration of habitat in our community and beyond. The long-delayed Wildlife Ordinance which affects hillside development in the Santa Monica Mountains is now pending in two Los Angeles City Council Committees. Hopefully in early 2025, after the council recess ends, this conservation measure can finally be moved forward. The SFVAS has submitted a letter of support for the ordinance (CF 14-0518). We have also joined many environmental groups in opposing the proliferation of artificial turf – you will never see a robin pull a worm from artificial turf!
2024 has been a difficult year with hundreds of fires and encampment issues in the Sepulveda Basin and Hansen Dam.SFVAS has taken a strong position working with the City Council, County Board of Supervisors, Park Rangers, and City police and fire departments advocating for enforcement of park rules in these areas which are dear to all of us. The SFVAS supports a measure requesting clarification of City of Los Angeles enforcement statutes in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court Grants Pass decision. Councilmember Padilla (CD6) has a motion pending to develop and fund a website for immediate dissemination of all Sepulveda Basin news and notices (CF 24-1453). The SFVAS has submitted a letter of support for this website, which will benefit all users of the basin’s facilities.
There will be many significant challenges in 2025, including development by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers revised Master Plans for both the Sepulveda Basin and Hansen Dam. SFVAS will continue to advocate for measures to enhance preservation of the environment and public safety in our region. We encourage individuals to make their own comments on pending City legislation. Comments can be made at