By Jeanne Kolasz
It was a wonderful day for Art Langton’s Birdathon walk, Sunday April 19. Twenty-one people were there to enjoy the great weather and the great finds! Some new faces were noted as well as many regulars.
Art reported sitings of 54 species, when a total of 50 was anticipated. Among the recorded were several “High Dollar Birds”. Included in these great finds were: several Lazuli Buntings, 6 Lawrence’s Goldfinches, at least 6 Yellow Warblers, Bullock’s Orioles, 10 Ash-throated Flycatchers, and both the Black-headed Grosbeak, and the Blue Grosbeaks that were seen late in the walk.
We thank you , Art, for leading the group and sharing your great knowledge of birds!
To contribute to the 2015 Birdathon, please select the “Local Birding” tab above, then “Annual Birdathon”. Use the DONATE button to pay with PayPal or a credit card. Thank you!