The Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of candidates to serve on the Board of Directors of the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society for the 2010–2011 program year. The election will be held at the May 27 General Membership meeting at the Encino Community Center and installation of the officers will take place at the June 24 meeting.
President:……………………. Dave Weeshoff
1st VP:…………………… Mike Van Norman
2nd VP:………………………. Rose Leibowitz
Treasurer:…………………. Ann Ohlenkamp
Corresponding Sec:…… Heather Medvitz
Recording Sec:………………. Diana Keeney
3rd Year Board:……………. Mark Osokow
2nd Year Board:……………. Donna Timlin
1st Year Board:…………… Aurelio Albaisa
1st Year Board:…………….. Lynn Maddox
The committee would like to thank all SFVAS members who have served the chapter in any capacity. We invite those of you with an interest in becoming more active in chapter activities to let us know.
Respectfully Submitted,
The Nominations Committee