NOTE: In lieu of the regular November and December General Membership meetings, there will be a single meeting on Thursday, December 3 at 7 PM at the Encino Community Center.
Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa Blvd., Encino. Located between Moorpark and Ventura Blvd., on the west side of Balboa, just south of the Presbyterian Church. Come early for social hour.
Our speaker will be Dave Weeshoff who will speak on Svalbard – Land of Polar Bears, Walruses and Birds.
Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean north of mainland Europe, about midway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. The archipelago is the northernmost part of Norway. Dave will present us with a photographic journey of his trip to the Arctic complete with fascinating descriptions and anecdotes of a land seldom seen.