The following candidates have agreed, pending election, to serve on the board of San Fernando Valley Audubon for the year 2009-2010:
President, Jim Moore
First Vice President, Dave Weeshoff
Second Vice President, Margie Maseda
Recording Secretary, Donna Timlin
Corresponding Secretary, Chris Van Beveren
Three-year Directors, Bettina Bennewitz and Diana Keeney
One-year Director, Mathew Tekulsky (filling a vacancy)
Continuing their present terms will be:
Treasurer, Mark Osokow (second year of two-year term)
Two-year Directors, Heather Medvitz and Michael Van Norman
One-year Director, Sara Huang
Additional candidates may be nominated from the floor by written petition at the April meeting (April 23, 2009) provided such nomination receives the approval of the nominee and is supported by a written petition signed by five SFVAS members.
Election of officers and board members will take place at the May general meeting (May 28, 2009).
Heather Medvitz, Kris Ohlenkamp, and Chair Muriel Kotin served on the Nominating Committee. The committee thanks all who have served on the board of directors and those who have agreed to serve in the coming year.