23236 Valley Circle Blvd. Chatsworth,
91311United StatesGet Directions
The Chatsworth Nature Preserve (CNP) is a major City of Los Angeles open space preserve teeming with wildlife. More than 200 species of Birds are on site including, Residents: Greater Roadrunner, California Quail, woodpeckers, herons and egrets; Migrants: Canada Goose, Western Meadowlark, Tricolored Blackbird, and sapsuckers as well as a variety of ducks and shorebirds; Raptors: Ferruginous Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Long-eared Owl, and many others. There are notable Amphibians and Reptiles: western spadefoot toad, slender salamander, western skink, ring-necked snake, red racer and much more. The fauna includes large and small Mammals: desert cottontail rabbit, gray fox, coyote, raccoon, and occasional visits of bobcat, cougar and mule deer. Habitats include oak woodlands and savanna, riparian areas, chaparral, grassland, and an Ecology Pond.