SFV Backyard Bird Identification

Grab any pair of binoculars and head out to your backyard or a nearby park. These birds are common in the San Fernando Valley. If you’re new to birding and want to understand why so many people enjoy it, start by observing the “easy” birds around you. As you begin to notice their unique markings, stripes, colors, and quirks, you’ll appreciate that birdwatching is an easy and fun way to connect with wildlife without needing to leave your own neighborhood!

Uncommon but Not Rare

Many birds are not typically seen in urban yards or parks, but they do make occasional appearances. Sometimes, these birds are particularly shy and only emerge to find a mate, or there simply aren’t many of them in our area. Some migratory birds, attracted by Southern California’s balmy weather, may decide to stay all year or even move in permanently. Regardless, spotting and identifying these birds can be a rewarding experience.

View Our Uncommon Birds Gallery

Seasonal Visitors to Southern California

Birds move around. Some migrate over hard-to-believe distances, others shift between close-together mountains and valleys. Either way, driven by seasons, by the availability of food or absence of predators for breeding, birds move around. This page is not concerned with migratory birds who are seen passing through on their way to somewhere else; these are birds that will show up in your backyard or in the park because they’re here for the winter, or here for the spring and summer.

If you spot something unfamiliar in your yard or a park, please email SFVAS at info@sfvaudubon.org and we’ll help you identify it!