This list is for discussion of wild birds and birdwatching topics for Los Angeles County and vicinity. Reports of rare or unusual birds should contain as much detail about the location as possible, as LACOBirds birders will want a look. Topics of more general interest should be posted to Calbird or BirdChat.
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List Etiquette
As with other mailing lists, certain rules of behavior apply. Most are common sense or common courtesy. To remove any doubts, repeated violations of these rules will result in the subscriber being barred from participation.
- Replies. To send a reply to a message to the entire list, hit "Reply-to-all". Hit "Reply" to respond to the individual sender. Do not send personal messages to the list.
- No SPAM. This list is for discussion of wild birds and birdwatching topics for Los Angeles County and vicinity. Topics of more general interest should be posted to Calbird or BirdChat. Messages that relate to personal business are prohibited. Also prohibited in this category are virus warnings, urban legends, chain letters, and off topic or off color jokes.
- No Flame Wars. From time to time, all lists experience differences of opinion. Please keep them civil.
- No Attachments. This includes photos, .vcf files, winmail.dat files, or any other kind of attachment.
- I don't know yet whether this list server will hiccup at styled text. Some list servers do. If that occurs, this item will become a prohibition on styled text.