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Zoom Event: Morning Rush Hour on the Feathered Highway

April 24 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Lauren Hill, co-founder of The Bear Divide Banding Station, will provide a presentation on migration studies, banding training, and collaborative projects that serve as a hub for comment, outreach, and avian conservation.

Every spring, millions of birds migrate along the Pacific Flyway from their wintering grounds to their breeding grounds. Few places highlight the spectacle of migration in western North America quite like Bear Divide. It is a low-elevation pass in the San Gabriel Mountains of Los Angeles County, and provides an unequal opportunity to study a vast number of migratory landbirds.

Lauren Hill is a local avian biologist and current graduate student in the M.S. Environmental Biology program at California State University Los Angeles, where she conducts research in the Wood Lab of Avian and Urban Ecology. Her primary focus is avian migration ecology, and her thesis investigates the migratory population.

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April 24
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm