It is Birdathon Season Again!

The months of April and May bring our annual Birdathon. You have probably received your pledge letter for this annual fundraiser, a sponsored birding event. The money raised covers most of our ongoing expenses and helps support our educational programs for school children, including the Sepulveda Basin Environmental Educational Program (SBEEP) based at the Sepulveda Wildlife Bird Sanctuary.

Please join us in pledging a set amount of money on the number of species to be spotted during a designated bird walk and then do come on the walk itself! Many members choose this event to honor the leader whose walks she or he has been able to enjoy.

If you did not receive a pledge form, please e-mail me at and I will be happy to send you a form.


Join us and help count at one or more of these walks!
See the Calendar Section for directions and times.

Kris Ohlenkamp – Sepulveda Basin, April 4
Art Langton – Malibu Creek State Park, April 18
Caroline Oppenheimer – O’Melveny Park, April 20
Jim Moore – Butterbredt Springs, Galileo Hills, Piute Ponds, April 21
Richard Barth – Morongo Basin, April 24
Nancy Herron Knode – Descanso Gardens, May 9

Additionally, there will be four teams undertaking “Big Day” efforts on behalf of the Birdathon. The team leaders are Muriel & Allan Kotin, John & Andrew Willis, Art Langton and Jim Hardesty.

– Submitted by Rose Leibowitz, Birdathon Chair