The winning photo in the August/September issue of the Phainopepla newsletter was submitted by a new member of our San Fernando Valley Audubon chapter, Marietta Ewing. Her photograph of a juvenile Mute Swan was taken December 18, 2010 at Anthony Beilenson Park (Balboa Lake). Taken with a Nikon D80. Lens: Nikkor VR Lens 55-200mm F/4-5, Focal Length: 55mm, 1/100 sec – F5, ISO 100.
She is a self-taught nature photographer and two of her photographs have been published in Photographer’s Forum, “Best of Photography 2009” and “Best of Photography 2010”.
Please submit your photos to Only one picture per photographer per month please! Ideally, the picture will be taken within our area and the information will include the location and the date it was taken, what camera and lens was used, a short account of how the picture was taken, and profile of the photographer. Good shooting! Thanks, Lynn.