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March 16, 2017

Chatworth Nature Preserve Open House

The Department of Water and Power opens the Chatsworth Nature Preserve to the public only one time a year. CNP is one of only two such preserves in our valley. After this year's rains, the preserve is more beautiful than ever. Take this unique chance to visit and participate in Earth Day activities. SFVAS will… read more
March 13, 2017

California, Out In Front on the Environment, As Usual — Please Lend Your Voice!

CALIFORNIA FIGHTS FOR WILDLIFE -- and you can help! Here’s the chronology of events: When California's turkey season opens in March, hunters will be required to use nontoxic bullets. (Dave Doe/Flickr Creative Commons) In 2013, the CA legislature passed a law phasing in a ban of lead ammunition for all hunting -- rifle, shotgun, fishing… read more
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February 26, 2017

Help Preserve the Santa Susanna Field Laboratory!

San Fernando Valley Audubon has been actively involved for years in planning for the clean-up of Santa Susana Field Laboratory. “The Lab” is a rich habitat for wildlife including endangered, threatened, or rare plants and animals. 138 species of birds have so far been observed on the site. As open space is increasingly developed in and around the Los… read more
February 16, 2017

Meeting In the Sepulveda Basin Dog Park

This meeting might be a good opportunity to work with law enforcement toward more of a presence in the Wildlife Reserve and other parts of Sepulveda Basin as well as the Dog Park. 1 read more
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February 15, 2017

Time Again For The Great Backyard Bird Count !

The Great Backyard Bird Count is fun and helpful. You need to sign up for e-Bird, but it's easy to do. eBird is a much better way to log your observations and see how they fit into those of your neighbors. Give it a try! The folks at Cornell have a great intro, explanation and… read more
February 14, 2017

Vote YES on Measure S!

The Board of San Fernando Valley Audubon joins the boards of Los Angeles Audubon, the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority and other local environmental organizations in supporting Measure S - the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative. In supporting this initiative, we share the community’s concerns with the impacts that inappropriate spot zoning and lack of planning in… read more
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January 28, 2017

Report from the General Membership Meeting

Mike Lynes At our well-attended general membership meeting on Jan. 26, we heard from Mike Lynes, Director of Public Policy at Audubon California, on the subject of the Salton Sea. We knew things weren’t going well at this critical inland wetland habitat along the Pacific Flyway, but we didn’t realize the full extent of the… read more
January 14, 2017

Don’t Forget the General Membership Meeting 1/26 read more
December 28, 2016

Christmas Bird Count Report

2016 Christmas Bird Count (CBC) We escaped Thursday’s rain and woke up to clear, cool skies on Saturday morning, December 17, making perfect conditions to count birds. This year, we did a little better than last year. 41 counters covered 35 locations, netting 121 species and 13,154 individuals. Results better than last year, but still… read more
November 14, 2016

Bird Fest — What a Day!

If Bird Fest keeps growing the way it has, year-to-year, we're going to need a bigger parking lot! We had over 1,000 visitors and the children's area was packed from 9:00-3:00   Walks were well attended, with Scott Logan's leading the way. Vendors fared well and there was plenty of interest at all information tables.… read more
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