To celebrate #BlackBirdersWeek2024, San Fernando Valley Audubon will be hosting 2 bird walks at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve, one on Sunday May 26, and the other on Saturday June 1. Both will start at 9 am, and be led by Alexander deBarros.
Alexander is a black birder who has been interested in birds for 15 years, and leading bird walks for SFVAS for 10. He also sits on our Board of Directors, runs our Christmas Bird Count, and has represented SFVAS at several conferences.

To reach the Sepulveda Basin, exit the 405 at Burbank Blvd and head west (turn left from the northbound side, turn right from the southbound side). Make the first possible right from Burbank onto Woodley Ave, then make the second possible right from Woodley into the park. This road ends at the parking lot where we will be meeting. Binoculars will be provided. The whole event is free.