Saturday, March 7, members of local pack 564 joined SFVAS volunteers for a walk in the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve. The lads ranged from Lions (Kindergarten) through Tigers, Bears and Wolves to Webelos (Fifth Grade). All were experienced outdoors-kids, knew how to use binoculars and were very observant.

We saw California Towhees; Bluebirds; Yellow-rumped Warblers; Nuttall’s, Hairy and Acorn Woodpeckers; American Pelicans; an Osprey; Turkey Vultures; a Red-tailed Hawk; an Egyptian Goose; Anna’s Hummingbirds; Pie-billed Grebes; numerous Double-crested Cormorants both in the water and nesting high in trees; plenty of ground squirrels, Eastern Fox Squirrels and a bunny-rabbit. In all, a very productive walk at a time of year that is known to be less-than-birdy.
SFVAS hopes to see Pack 564 again, and that other scouting packs and troops will take advantage of our free guided nature walks.