SFVAS would like to welcome all members to our general meetings, and say “Thank You” with a gift.
Our wonderful membership has helped us work toward our goals by:
- signing petitions and recruiting others to sign
- donating to the Birdathon
- buying T-shirts and other memorabilia
- attending our monthly meetings
- contacting elected officials to promote habitat conservation
- volunteering to lead bird walks for youth and adults
- joining in on bird walks/field trips ready to teach and learn from others
- stepping up to be heard when important conservation issues are at stake
To show our appreciation for all that you do, we are offering a free ChicoBag water bottle carrier to all local members of SFVAS who attend a monthly general membership meeting beginning on September 22. In addition to holding up to a 40 oz. water bottle, the bag has pouches to hold your phone, ID, keys, pen and lip balm! Not a member? Fill out the form on page 7, and bring it with you to a meeting. Let us help you stay hydrated with this ChicoBag—it’s yours free for joining our local chapter and attending our meeting!
This month’s speaker is Scott Logan of WildWings Backyard Nature Store in Sherman Oaks, who will tell us about the value of nesting boxes for local and migratory birds, and techniques for proper placement of appropriate boxes.
We hope to see you on September 22. Sincerely, The SFVAS Leadership Team
SFVAS General Membership Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month (except July, August, and November). ALL ARE WELCOME to join us at 7:00 p.m. for refreshments; program begins at 7:20 p.m. We meet at the San Fernando Valley Arts & Cultural Center. Click on Calendar of Events for directions and a Google map.