SFVAS Annual Awards Banquet, Airtel Plaza Hotel
Friday, March 13, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Featured Speaker: Tom Kaminski
Avian Video Center Producer Tom Kaminski, sponsored by The Hummingbird Society, recently traveled to Isla Robinson Crusoe (a Chilean possession) to film the endemic and critically endangered Juan Fernández Firecrown Hummingbird (Sephanoides fernandensis).
Tom Kaminski has combined his experience in broadcast journalism, aerospace communications, and college teaching to create nature programs that are uniquely educational and entertaining. His presentation will feature his new DVD entitled “Hummingbirds! Beauty and the Beast.” We will learn that it is not true that hummingbird beauty is more than feather deep; that they are little beasts that live by the law of the jungle. They are deadbeat dads, single moms, and teenage chicks. Find out what hummingbirds want and how they get it. You do not want to miss this program. Mail in your reservation form TODAY!