An 80-acre wildfire in May 2007 at Hansen Dam Basin burned much of the large riparian woodland south of the Aquatic Center. Bill Neill has been treating exotic weed populations growing in the northern and eastern edges of the riparian woodland. Although the sprayed plants are now dead, their seed clusters remain; so a 2-hour volunteer work party has been scheduled for Saturday morning, Nov. 8, to remove the castor bean seed clusters.
We will meet at 9:00 AM near the entrance to the Aquatic Center parking lot, then hike 1/4 mile down to the basin floor for an orientation tour, and organize ourselves into 2-person teams for the project work. The basin floor is crowded with fallen tree trunks & branches and prickly brush, so be sure to wear hiking boots, protective clothes, leather gloves, sun hats, glasses for eye protection. Please also bring pruning or lopping shears and drinking water. Bill will provide plastic trash bags for removing the seed clusters, and will haul out filled bags in his 4WD vehicle.
The Aquatic Center parking lot is accessed from Osborne Street, about midway between Foothill Blvd. and the dam crest north of Glenoaks Blvd. From Osborne, enter the Hansen Dam Recreation Area at Dronfield Ave., then turn left or northeast at the park road where Dronfield terminates, and drive about 1/4 mile to the Aquatic Center parking lot.
Please contact Bill at if you think you might attend, so that we’re not overstaffed.